This probably isn’t the most inspirational way to start a blog but until last week I was feeling a bit rubbishy, a bit meh! Honestly, I feel like I’d lost my purpose a bit, floating really. We are to supposedly getting back to normal after the last two years … our ‘new normal’ and I know I should be grateful. This is not a sob story - lets put this in perspective, there is so much more going on in the world.
Anyone else been feeling the same?!
During the pandemic I jumped to it with free classes and resources and whilst I hope it helped others, if I’m being honest, it helped me too. I had a purpose. To be once things have drifted back to normal I have felt like I’ve lost a bit of direction, confidence and belief. I’m not sure if that makes sense to anyone else or if it was just me …. Mind you, it could just be an age thing 😉😂!!!
Thankfully, I’ve turned a wee corner and I really do feel like I’ve got perspective again. The determination is coming back and I'm stuck into my classes and running the business once again but it has got me thinking.
How do we make ourselves truly happy?
I was listening to Jay Shetty and something really struck a cord with me and got me thinking ....
There are two ways to make yourself happy. Daily habits and deeper purpose. Use your passion for a purpose

We are in a bit of a weird time - back, but not really back 100% somehow. Some Instructors have had life changing events since the start of 2020 or changes in circumstances and have had to give up leading classes but they always leave on happy, good terms and many reach out later to start classes back up. But, building the Highland Hustle business has been my purpose for so long and I’ve been really sad to see a few Instructors go in the last year or so.
So, yes, there are slightly less Instructors than when the pandemic first hit. However, there are some new Instructors - brave people who jumped in, went for it, committed, invested both some money and time and had trust and belief! But a few have dropped off. But, when things really kicked off in March 2020 I was terrified Highland Hustle would not last - but the community of instructors is a brilliant group of people. I'm really lucky with that and I’d love to build it to be bigger and better than ever.
So, going back to Jay Shetty and his thoughts on happiness ...
Finding your passion and using it in the service of other is what creates the greatest, deepest happiness. When you find what you love, what you excel at, what your are brilliant at, then you can actually use that to improve peoples lives and you can use that skill, that passion, that energy to make a difference in someones life. There is no better feeling than that.
To me, happiness is where both come together.
I know what I love and what makes me happy and when I do that for others to improve their lives it makes them happy. If you can do what makes you happy and do it for others and it makes them happy - that is going to give you happiness.
I’ve seen this to be true again and again and again

Doing what makes you happy
For those of you that join me at a virtual class, particularly on a Friday morning I sometimes blether complete and utter nonsense between routines. But, do you know what … that is me and I’m happy at my classes or training others to do the same.
The other thing I know is that when I am teaching my Highland Hustle classes and I’ve got people dancing away with me, whether they can do the steps or not, I am fully immersed in what I do. Fully in the flow of the moment! I can’t think about the dishes, the washing up, problems I might have or stresses going on that I might mull over when I’m walking the dog or driving somewhere and I love that about teaching.

I do know that during that 45 minutes of my Hustle classes I am happy. Properly full on happy! I watch others leave with a spring in their step (and possibly tired legs!) but looking happier than they did when they arrive. That is an amazing feeling and I know other Instructors feel the same.
My mission is to continue to build Highland Hustle and I’m looking for more Instructors to deliver classes. If you are thinking about it … please get in touch or give someone that gentle push to do it.
Training is in your home, your time and online with a live final session and I am just want to get more of you doing what I get to do every week and I hope it can bring a wee bit more joy in 2022 and beyond. Nearly every Instructor will say they doubt they can do it before they try … but training has been put together to take you through it step by step by step and to build your confidence and skills along the way. You can take as long as you like.
If you would like to become an Instructor you can find out more information here.
Feel free to get in touch to ask a question and email for more information. I look forward to hearing from you!