My first year as a Highland Hustle Instructor

Having danced since the age of 3 Highland Dancing has always been a big part of my life.   As I got older, competing become more difficult due to other commitments and so for years I had contemplated becoming a Highland Hustle instructor so that I could continue my passion and instruct at a time convenient to my lifestyle. Between University and work commitments the time to become an instructor never really felt right, until the summer of 2018. I decided that there were no more excuses and headed off to Perth to meet in with Gillian.

I completed the Instructor training and totally got the Highland Hustle bug.  I was so completely inspired by what Gillian had done with regards taking a passion for highland dancing and turning it into a modern but traditional fitness workout suitable for all abilities, that I immediately got myself organised to launch my first taster session. 

Having recently moved to the small village of Stuartfield I was concerned that I would be unable to get the footfall to make the class a success. On the first taster session I nervously awaited in the local hall with my biggest fan… my mum. I joked to mum ‘at least I have you’ and hoped that even just one more participant would arrive. To my surprise, the hall was packed and as the weeks went on word spread about how much fun Highland Hustle was and I soon gained a loyal group of regulars that attend on a weekly basis. It wasn’t long before the demand meant I could start a second weekly class and luckily for me most of my regulars attend on both nights.

Instructing Highland Hustle over the last year has given me an enormous amount of confidence, I have met the most wonderful ladies and gained so many friendships. Being a newbie to the village, Highland Hustle has certainly helped me settle in. Not only has it allowed me to continue in a sport that I love, but it has also meant that I have had the opportunity to host fundraising events for local and national charities and perform taster sessions for the kids in the local community. Being a part of something that makes so many people feel good about themselves and empowered to push themselves whilst still enjoying exercise has far exceeded my expectation on what it would be like to instruct. 

It really is the feel-good workout that is suitable for anyone. I’ve had so many comments about how the difference intensity options allow participants to go at their own pace and how the modern and upbeat music makes it even more fun to take part in.

With the help of a fellow Highland Hustle instructor, Carolle Clements I felt so welcomed and a part of the wider Highland Hustle community when I first started up. Carolle helped me at the start of my journey giving me pointers particularly in adapting sessions to suit school aged groups and she is testament to just how great our Highland Hustle community are in helping one another become successful.

All this being said, this week I celebrated my first Highland Hustle birthday, class members arrived wearing something purple, the hall was decorated with Highland Hustle balloons and we had that all-important CAKE. It’s been an absolute pleasure over the last year and I am so excited for what this next year has in store! To my past and present hustlers, thank you for making my first year such a success, I couldn’t have done it without you all and for anyone that’s looking to become and instructor… take the plunge… you won’t regret it, I know I don’t!

Sarah Crawford

You can find Sarah’s class as well as all others at our Find a Class page.  There is also more information at Sarah’s Highland Hustle Facebook page here!