Is it possible to get fit, lose weight dancing and have fun at the same time?
Highland Hustle was born to get people dancing, moving and feeling really good about themselves. A few years down the line we are finding that it is having long lasting effects on participants physical health as well as their mood and overall wellbeing!
What a difference a year or so can make!
June has been attending Highland Hustle classes in Penicuik, Scotland for 18 months! We just love these before and after pictures of June. They show a fantastic change in appearance but she doesn’t just look better. She feels different too …

Not only has June shaped up but she she tells us that she knows Highland Hustle has been the one thing that she has changed in her lifestyle! She keeps exactly the same diet patterns as she did before and Highland Hustle is the only exercise class she enjoys.
Now the next step in the journey begins …

Who knows where a class can take you …
June decided to give Highland Hustle a try to support her daughter who had just trained up as an Instructor and has never looked back. She found the class challenging to start with but took the advice she was offered and found before long the weight started to drop off.
I suffered from sore knees for years before I joined Highland Hustle. I assumed exercise was a no no. But, I was encouraged to start gradually and I laughed so much it really didn’t feel like exercise. Before I knew it I had lost weight and the pain had gone. I feel so much better now
June now has energy to instruct her own classes too!
Furthermore, June says that she has more energy to play with her young grandchild and they love to have a wee dance and jig along together. It doesn’t stop there for June though. As her current Instructor (her daughter) prepares to take a break whilst on maternity leave June knows she will miss classes too much. So, she has trained up as a Highland Hustle Instructor herself, something she thought completely impossible only a year ago.
Good luck June, keep up the hard work and we look forward to hearing about your own classes very soon.