The Hustle Helps Foundation has been delighted to award 20 Grants to aid the return to Highland Dance competitions and events since August 2021 following the pandemic.
Seeing the faces of dancers being able to do what they love is wonderful and the Hustle Helps Foundation is delighted to have been able to provide a little help to aid this transition.
Grant funding has been used to ease the added financial impact and for a variety of uses such as purchasing new swords, trophies, sanitising stations, special awards, paying for live pipers, hall rent and lunch for volunteers at competitions.

Some of the dance associations / events that have benefitted recently are:
- Wren Dance Festival
- Grampian Festival
- Kingdom of Fife
- Lorraine Bremner Competition
- Tanya Horne Dance Comp
- Mcreadie Dance Festival
- Paterson Dance Competiton
- Ulster Competition
- Symer Dance Competition
- Highland Dance Teachers of England
- Highland World Competition
- City of Edinburgh HDA
- Lanarkshire Thistle Festivals
- Forth Bridges Festival
- Highlands & Islands Music Dance Festival
- Campbeltown Association Competiton
- Kincardine & Mearns Festival
- Scotland in Colchester Competition
- Lothian Highland Dance Association

Thank you to everyone who has helped raise funds.
As the cost of living increases rapidly (as per October 2022) we are aiming to raise funds once again and the committee is aiming to consider how we can help Highland dance or Highland dance related activities into 2023
To attend our dinner dance on 5th November see tickets HERE!
Donations are very welcome at all times - please email