Roll the clock back to exactly 6 years ago last night. I was sobbing into a glass of red wine ... the kids had gone off early to bed for the start of a new school term and I was getting ready to go back to work the next day.
Highland Hustle did not yet exist!
My husband gave me a cuddle, feeling helpless and he said to me that I had to do something about it. Enough was enough.
I had been unhappy in my job for a long time. Essentially, I still loved PE teaching but I’d been in the same job for far too long and I felt like I’d stopped making a difference. I felt anxious about going back. Sick with worry and nerves, my stomach in a knot and it wasn’t a nice place to be. I’d lost my spark, lost my confidence and didn’t feel like me at all anymore.
So, way back on 5th January 2014 I looked at this bit of paper on the floor splattered with all my ideas of what I wanted to do and kept going back to this idea of my Highland Dance inspired class to get more people dancing (including me!). I missed dancing so much. I just wasn't sure it could ever work or that people would want to go.
Gillian, back in the day as a child loving her dancing ....

The next day, off I went to work and came home again but something had snapped inside.
I was going to do something …. I still wasn’t sure what. The bit of paper with all the ideas scribbled on it was a huge poster size with words all over the middle. It would make no sense to anyone else at the time and I still have it now. But, over the next couple of days ideas for concepts, business names and how on earth I could make it work were all added to my very messy handwriting. I wasn’t sure how or where to start. At the end of the day, I had a family to look after. I couldn’t afford to just resign and give it a try to see! Lets be real here, reality checks in when you have bills to pay.
This was the first profile picture used on the Highland Hustle Facebook page on 16th Feb 2014 ... until someone asked me if you had to do the class in high heels!

Later that week a chance chat with a Mum at the school gate was the next catalyst.
Elaine, who had her own business and website sat me down and gave me a real push and point in the right direction. I’ll always be thankful for her help and ability to just give me some of her time to chat and give me the confidence to believe it was possible.
So, fast forward 2 months later and I'd been to the Business Gateway who I was surprised didn't tell me I was crazy (my knees were literally knocking and heart pounding so much I couldn’t work out how to open the front door!). But, I did it. I tested the class concept on family, friends and unsuspecting senior school pupils in their PE lessons, who did look at me as if I’d literally gone crazy from time to time!
One of my senior pupils even helped by being creative with a camera and took this shot in her lunch break when I finally told them what the class was about ...

I googled and learned how to write the first version of the website myself, often staying up far too late on work days and getting up early, way before my children to catch up on emails and research. I was desperate to get to the next stage in the business.
My youngest was still at nursery, so I used to drop her and literally run home to grab a few hours to continue starting my own business on Thursday and Fridays which were my 'days off'.
At the end of February 2014 the first ever Highland Hustle class started. Would anybody turn up? Would people think I was utterly crazy? Would I have the confidence to actually do this or would I throw up - in reality this was a real possibility, I was so nervous.
I did the class … and people turned up! They looked sweaty at the end but they were smiling.
The class took off quickly and the first DVD followed where I was joined by the fantastic Rachel McLagan (Flings & Things) and David Wilton.

My point to writing all this?
I’m not sure anybody ever has it completely sorted. But, if you want to make a change sometimes you just have to do it. Find a way to make it work.
This month many of us will be looking at what we want to do, change or achieve.
So, if you fancy trying Highland Hustle. Just go to a class or sign up as a Community Member as a starting point at home. If you think you can’t dance … who actually cares? Not the class Instructor, they’ll be delighted to see you! Everybody else is too busy either working out what to do or having a good time to care.
Do you have a calling to lead your own Highland Hustle class? Is there an inner voice telling you that you can’t? Sign up. You can’t feel more sick than I did when I came up with the concept and ran that first class. You can always blame me if people don’t like it (but, that won’t happen -just saying!).
Or do you know someone who needs that push to achieve something in 2020. Why not give them a bit of encouragement, just like my husband and numerous friends and family did along the way!
Friends /my children have come along with me into the woods or a scenic spot to give me company as I do a bit of filming or pictures ... this one was back in 2014!

Now I’m not pretending I’m some sort of life guru. Whilst I literally love driving Highland Hustle forward I certainly don’t have it 100% sorted…. just feel I have to say that! I still work too much. There are also things on my jobs' list that have been there for far too long. But, every work day I get up without the slightest bit of dread. Unlike I did in January 2014.
I love Highland Hustle, the people I’ve met and the opportunities that have come of it. Most importantly for me, I feel like I make a difference. There are so many people that have helped provide support along the way from friends, family to amazing and generous mentors. For example, Stuart Cassells (Founder of the Red Hot Chilli Pipers) gave me his time and advice, as did my own dance teacher, Allana Brown. Even Ann Gloag took the time to sit down and work through the business plans in the early days. Joining Espark was also a brilliant decision for me.
If you are thinking of making a change and getting to a Highland Hustle class I hope you love it too. This year … self care is on my list but lots of Highland Hustle related things of course too - so watch this space!
Find a class near you at our find a class page here!
Written by Gillian (Brough) Urquhart, Highland Hustle Founding Director