I was 22 stone, size 26 with class 3 obesity.
For many years I felt very depressed about my size, I was very self-conscious and I hated seeing pictures of myself. It’s probably true to say that I hated what I saw in the mirror and it often reduced me to tears. Even more so because I couldn’t see a way out. I had given up.
I knew there was a Highland Hustle class in my area as I work in the same place as my instructor, and name sake, Eilidh Grant, and she had put posters up. It appealed to me as I had done some highland dancing when I was in primary school, but I was a bit frightened about attending because I was so unfit. I was very out of breath just climbing one flight of stairs.

Finally, I plucked up the courage to try my local Highland Hustle class …
It wasn’t until I’d spent six months walking every day and about six weeks attending my local gym that I finally found the confidence to attend my first class. I won’t lie, it wasn’t easy, but it was a lot of fun! Everyone was really friendly, and didn’t take things too seriously. Even the more seasoned Hustlers made mistakes.
The friendly atmosphere of the class made it easy for me to want to go back. After a few weeks the moves got easier and I was less exhausted at the end of the class. It’s amazing how quickly your fitness improves.

Although I did some highland dancing when I was wee, the pas de basque was about the only move I really remembered. Some of the other moves did slowly start to come back, which have been an advantage, but not everyone in my class has a dancing background and they get on fine.
Two Eilidh’s in my old jeans!
Eilidh, my local Highland Hustle Instructor and I now both fit into the old jeans I used to wear!

Over the past 14 months I have lost over ten stone. It hasn’t been easy, no life changing experience is. There were plenty of ups, such as fitting into a smaller jean size, or reaching a weight loss or fitness target. But there have been plenty of downs as well, however, I never gave up. Every time I felt deflated I reminded myself of how far I had come and how much I hated how I felt before.

To get where I am today I made many changes to my lifestyle. Most importantly, however, I didn’t make them all at once. I made small, gradual changes to both my exercise routine and my diet. I went from doing virtually no exercise, to walking every day, to attending two or three exercise classes a week and climbing hill. My high carb, high sugar diet has changed to a low carb, high fibre, high protein diet.

Physically, I have more energy than I have had in years and am able to do things I never felt possible, such as climb a hill without struggling with my fitness. Mentally, I feel normal for the first time in my life! For the first time I have the confidence to wear clothes I never thought I’d be able to wear, such as a skirt above the knee, and I no longer cringe at photographs. Now I smile!
Highland Hustle is so much fun, and after walking, is my favourite form of exercise. I would recommend it to anyone, regardless of their fitness level or dance experience. It would be great to see some men trying it out too. After all, highland dancing was originally danced by men!
Thank you to Eilidh for sharing her inspirational story. We are proud to have been part of your journey love all at Highland Hustle x