Ten years ago, Gillian Urquhart had a light bulb moment and came up with the concept of Highland Hustle, one of my best friends spotted her launch on Facebook sent me the link – “you could do this” …. This week I celebrate 8 years on my Highland Hustle journey – my first class of Hustlers officially launched on Wednesday 20th January 2016.
Eight years ago, my classes were full of leaps, bouncing and a whole lot of flexible. I’m older now (not quite bus pass but it’s not far away as my family keeps reminding me) but so are my fellow Hustlers, and we take it at a more gentle pace. Thanks to the revelation that is Hustle Zero I and my teams are still dancing/laughing and getting a little fitter each week albeit at a more sedate pace. The constant throughout the 8 years I’ve been teaching is the laughter, support and friendship from everyone involved.

We’ve had Highland Hustle in so many different places:
I started in a living room, graduated to a school, and I am now in a dance studio complete with mirrors (not everyone is a fan of those!). I’ve had Hustlers join in from all over the world, including the metropolis of Tiree. Let’s not forget the COVID months – when lots of us went online and eventually tried outside classes – the garden/the drive/the street and the school playground.
The online classes were a bit of challenge - trying not to trip over kids/cats/dogs and hoping that Hubbie remembered I was “live” and didn’t decide to stroll in! Praying that the tech worked for all of us - a whole year of me seeing wee pics of folks faces bobbing up and down sometimes feet, mostly not.
(Love this picture of #teamlinwood hiding feet for first in person class post COVID!)

For a couple of hours each week I’m just thinking about my fellow Hustlers and hoping my feet are listening to the music to get the steps right - and in roughly the right order.
I love the Friendships I have made. Instructors and fellow Hustlers - I count them all as friends and we support each other through dance and laughter - fitness is part of it but it’s not the end game - companionship and being there for each other is very much a part of being part of the Hustle family.
The Annual conference is where we catch up with Hustle friends old & new and it is so much fun. Happiness and positivity all around - daft challenges, even dafter costumes (you know who you are!) and always the support from everyone around you.

So, time to raise a glass to Gillian, to Highland Hustle and to all the friends I’ve made along the way. Happy Hustle Birthday!
Oh yes, the icing on the cake – the friend who said “you could do that” is now fellow Highland Hustle Instructor. How cool is that!

Thank you, Gillian, – Thank you Highland Hustle for the journey so far!